The Business Challenge
Rio Tinto Yarwun Refinery faced a significant challenge around control of projects specifically with authority, speed compliance, lift compliance and overall accountability of damage & fuel consumption. With more than 20 Fork lifts in 24/7 operation, used by different work-groups and multiple users, this posed a threat to the company’s ability to mitigate health, safety and cost control risks.
Onsite’s Approach
Onsite Rental Group specialists conducted an Equipment Audit and found that the use of a centralized control module, monitored by one control room would immediately improve the issues. A report with a change-out plan was prepared and Rio Tinto adopted the proposal. The main outcome was that every forklift on the refinery was fitted with a control module.
The Business Advantage
The fitted module provided Rio Tinto with the ability to manage who used the unit, the lift capacity, speed, how long the machine was in and out of use, location in the Refinery where they were able to operate and when damage occurred. significantly improving operator safety and accountability. And the business made cost savings through fuel consumption and better damage control.