Helping the growth of the oil & gas industry

Onsite Rental Group’s smart technology, such as our CONNECT® customer portal and ONTRAK® GPS equipment tracking and reporting, delivers Total Rental Management to our customers in Australia’s important oil & gas industry. Our equipment specialists have a proven track record of delivering significant cost savings to customers through honest collaboration and identification of rental and power efficiencies.

If you’re looking for a solution for your next major oil & gas project, call us on 13 40 40 or connect with your local Onsite branch today.

Oil & Gas Case Study

QGC – Optimising Power Generation


As one of Australia’s leading natural gas explorers and producers, QGC is a major user of power generation. QGC invited Onsite Rental Group to provide an expert view on how to operate its power generation more efficiently.


Onsite’s Power Specialists know that 90% of the cost of operating generators is fuel. With that as a starting point the Onsite team undertook a full power audit on both Onsite and third party generators. The power audit is a comprehensive undertaking that identifies improvements in safety, fuel consumption, generator configuration, redundancy, general set up and appropriate generator sizing.

The audit revealed that QGC could make significant savings if generators were re-sized, used more wisely and the number of generators was reduced significantly.


Through this process Onsite were able to save QGC more than 400,000 litres of fuel representing a saving of almost half a million dollars a year.

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